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You know, the westernized mindset compels people to consider a problematical situation a starting point of discussion. As contrasted with it, Phenomenology sticks to the facticity that all things are over when matters appear to the surface. It is because a circumstance in question is not a starting point but a goal line for phenomenology. If once anybody regards a problem as a starting point, he and she will automatically transform the problem into object for their own cognition, which is the 2-dimensional representation set up by conciseness. It follows they are starting to discuss with each after having gone away from the problem itself. But the problem itself, you know, is now happening in the midst of the 3-dimensional world. So it is not likely they will be able to solve the problem by such a westernized mindset. I think this is one of factors that make many discussions over Japan Christianity go around in circles.
Essentially the purpose of discussion consists in having gone back to the original starting point by sharing the space-time with the situation in question as well as taking part in it, and finding out the hidden path leading to the goal line. See?
Heidegger, needless to say, the greatest German philosopher in the 20th century, wrote the best book called “Being and Time", published in 1927. In C, Section7 of the book, he describes an intriguing character of the matter. Then I summarize it briefly, right? Heidegger goes on.
“Being” appears in front of us after always disguising itself with something else.The word “disguise”, “verstellen” in German, might sound a little odd, but it is a pretty fascinating and highly strategic word by which Heidegger tried to unveil or uncover or disclose or show up the hidden behavior of the so-called “being”. We commonly think we are living along the linear time axis as if walking on the straight road, but Heidegger didn't do that. He thought as long as we are being in the 3-dimensional world, we always exist going through complicated transfiguration perpendicularly almost without noticing as if different branches grow up from the taproot.
Believe it or not, Jesus said it already. Look at the Gospel Mark, if you, please, Chapter 4, verse 22. According to YLT, Young literal translation by Robert Young in the 19 century, he translated the passage in this way.
For there is not anything hid that may not be manifested, nor was anything kept hid but that it may come to light.I feel there is a strong similarity between two. Both mindsets are quite perpendicular unlike the linear mindset derived from the Ancient Greek philosophy. I mean it is metaphysics.
Anyhow, I watch the live dangerous situations of Japan Protestantism at least from the following viewpoint.
Regrettably I have to say Japan Protestantism is now starting to show signs of collapsing in only 150 years.
Japanese Christian leaders always repeat in this way. "Why do not the believers increase?" I think they should note how ridiculous that asking is. This asking is attributable to the 2-dimensional mindset which ignored 2 kinds of space-time. In fact, it’s the mood that can grasp this world including human being earlier than any other functions. Even if a superficial mood, Heidegger disclosed a peculiarity of the mood that maintains the 3-dimensional quality of the world. I mean the mood of the believers who broke off the relationship with the church is already including the answer to such the asking, but there is no leader and no researcher who try to explain the meaning of their mood, so far as my knowledge goes.
As for the representative mood, I can give an unreliable mood, a threatening mood, worry, fear and so on. When I drop down these moods perpendicularly, I run into the Credo. Religious sects of Japan Protestantism still keep the Credo. The Credo is the so-called Christian constitution which European Christianity entrusted all of the contents to metaphysics derived from the ancient Greece philosophy. It is because the Roman Empire needed to integrate the intellect into the spirit for making people fight against heretic. The Credo is alien to the faith of Jesus entirely. In a word, Christianity that was ported to Japan 150 years ago was a controlling system as the national religion.
Also, I wanna point out an incredible function of the Japanese spirituality. It brings about many gaps in Japanese language. Westerners think it to be rather vague, but it's a mistake. The gap that Japanese people show in their expression is an excellent apparatus to make up for the 2-dimensional quality of language. The mood bridges the gap between the expressions as grasping the 3-dimensional quality of the world itself continuously. The communication is composed of the double structure. Therefore, it is quite difficult to integrate the intellect into the spirit of Japanese people by Christianity as seen in westerners.
I understand the circumstances these factors affected complicatedly transform themselves into the mood peculiar to the believers breaking off the relationship with the church and will appear to the surface. This is because the majority of the believers chose Christianity to avoid a crisis of their own existence. Look at the face of Japanese believers reading the Credo aloud, if you please. You can see it is full of anguish. It seems to me they demand an open space to talk about and share with each other the experience of Dasein Jesus.
Insistence on missionary work leads up to the decrease of the believers adversely. I suggest the leaders should abandon the Credo as soon as possible. By that I mean dismantling of Japan Protestantism. Otherwise, a revolt of the believer's spirit will arise.