
ニーチェ箴言散策集・私家版 (8)

Friedrich Nietzsche
『ニーチェ箴言散策集』(2008.02起稿 2008.07脱稿 Mr. Anonymous)


原文・翻訳からの引用は、「報道、批評、研究目的での引用を保護する著作権法第32条」に基づくものです。ドイツ語原文は、"RECLAMS UNIVERSAL-BIBLIOTHEK Nr.7114"、日本語訳は、木場深定氏の訳に、それぞれ依ります。


What is the "facticity" ?

Take a closer at these gears, please...

The biggest gear certainly looks like the main source that is putting each small gear in motion. While doing so, I get confused in my perception whichever gear works the other gears. Soon...all gears slowly begin to dissolve into somewhere, and finally only the power of the generating overwhelms me.

It is not until people despaired of their lives or are taken seriously ills that they learn words are of little use. Theist or atheist, they cannot exist even for a bit without just about the inexplicable power.

I'm afraid we modern human beings have totally forgotten that fact.